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Trail Story: America

Trail Story: America

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Brand New, 1 in-stock


Pack your bag and grab your journal, it's time to trek through 1930s American wilderness! Wander the rural landscape and discover opportunities and threats unknown: friend and foe, cute and dangerous wildlife, and the mysteries of unexplored terrain, ominous abandoned buildings, and even the supernatural. You'll look back at these experiences and grow from them, gaining new skills, as well as inspiration from the lands you've visited. You'll record these memories in your journal as a testament to your grand adventure, until next time!


Ages 10+

2-4 players

90-120 minute playtime



4 Player placards

3 Board pieces

95 Standard cards

48 Mini cards

128 Tokens

4 Meeples

4 Dice

72 Cubes

24 Crystals

1 Bag

1 Score pad

1 Rulebook

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